C++ Metaprogramming Exercises Vol. I

March 2021

This post is a part of a series:

Below is a set of exercises for type level programming in C++, suitable for newcomers to the topic but hopefully entertaining even for an intermediate template programmer. I made this when I decided to dedicate an evening to improving my fluency in the use of templates but couldn’t easily find such exercises elsewhere.

// https://www.slamecka.cz/posts/2021-03-17-cpp-metaprogramming-exercises-1/
// This is a set of exercises for type level programming in C++, suitable for
// beginners or as a refresher for intermediate programmers.
// Scope:
// - Most exercises in this set are confined to vectors of integers for simplicity.
// - Exercises are centered around basic functional techniques since they are easy to express with template metaprogramming.
// How to solve it:
// - You should be able to compile with gcc version 10.2, g++ --std=c++20 typelevel_set1.cpp
// - You should understand the requested behaviours from static_assert-s,
//   except for print, which comes with a test in main().
// - Tests are commented-out and you should uncomment them as you go.
// - You might want to read some introductory material before attempting these:
//   https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/templates
//   https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/parameter_pack
//   https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/template_parameters
//      in this set we'll only see non-type template parameters and type template parameters
//   https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/header/type_traits
//   https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/partial_specialization
//      also see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17005985/what-is-the-partial-ordering-procedure-in-template-deduction

#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>

namespace {

 * 1. Define Vector, a template level list of integers.
 * Hint: Use non-type template parameter pack.

// Your code goes here:
// ^ Your code goes here

// static_assert(std::is_same_v<Vector<1,2>, Vector<1,2>>);

 * 2. Define function print() that prints Vector-s.
 * Example: print(Vector<1,2,3>{}); // prints "1 2 3" (newline)
 * See main() below.

// Your code goes here:
// ^ Your code goes here

 * 3. Define Prepend.
 * Hint: Use `using type = ...` inside a struct that has both non-type and type template parameters.

// Your code goes here:
// ^ Your code goes here

// static_assert(std::is_same_v<Prepend<1, Vector<2,3>>::type, Vector<1,2,3>>);

 * 4. Define PrependT that can be used without ::type.
 * Hint: See how enable_if_t is defined in terms of enable_if.
 * This technique is not used further to reduce boilerplate.

// Your code goes here:
// ^ Your code goes here

// static_assert(std::is_same_v<PrependT<1, Vector<2,3>>, Vector<1,2,3>>);

 * 5. Define Append.

// Your code goes here:
// ^ Your code goes here

// static_assert(std::is_same_v< Append<4, Vector<1,2,3>>::type , Vector<1,2,3,4> >);

 * 6. Define PopBack.

// Your code goes here:
// ^ Your code goes here

// static_assert(std::is_same_v< PopBack<Vector<1,2,3,4>>::type , Vector<1,2,3> >);

 * 7. Define RemoveFirst, that removes the first occurence of element R from vector V.

// Your code goes here:
// ^ Your code goes here

// static_assert(std::is_same_v<RemoveFirst<1, Vector<1,1,2>>::type, Vector<1,2>>);

 * 8. Define RemoveAll, that removes all occurences of element R from vector V.

// Your code goes here:
// ^ Your code goes here

// static_assert(std::is_same_v<RemoveAll<9, Vector<1,9,2,9,3,9>>::type, Vector<1,2,3>>);

 * 9. Define Length.
 * Hint: Use `static constexpr int value = ...` inside the struct.

// Your code goes here:
// ^ Your code goes here

// static_assert(Length<Vector<1,2,3>>::value == 3);

 * 10. Define length, which works like Length<V>::value.
 * Hint: See how is_same_v is defined in terms of is_same.

// Your code goes here:
// ^ Your code goes here

// static_assert(length<Vector<>> == 0);
// static_assert(length<Vector<1,2,3>> == 3);

 * 11. Define Min, that stores the minimum of a vector in its property `value`.

// Your code goes here:
// ^ Your code goes here

// static_assert(Min<Vector<3,1,2>>::value == 1);
// static_assert(Min<Vector<1,2,3>>::value == 1);
// static_assert(Min<Vector<3,2,1>>::value == 1);

 * 12. Define Sort.

// Your code goes here:
// ^ Your code goes here

// static_assert(std::is_same_v<Sort<Vector<4,1,2,5,6,3>>::type, Vector<1,2,3,4,5,6>>);
// static_assert(std::is_same_v<Sort<Vector<3,3,1,1,2,2>>::type, Vector<1,1,2,2,3,3>>);
// static_assert(std::is_same_v<Sort<Vector<2,2,1,1,3,3>>::type, Vector<1,1,2,2,3,3>>);

 * 13. Define Uniq.

// Your code goes here:
// ^ Your code goes here

// static_assert(std::is_same_v<Uniq<Vector<1,1,2,2,1,1>>::type, Vector<1,2,1>>);

 * 14. Define type Set.

// Your code goes here:
// ^ Your code goes here

// static_assert(std::is_same_v<Set<2,1,3,1,2,3>::type, Set<1,2,3>::type>);

 * 15. Define SetFrom.

// Your code goes here:
// ^ Your code goes here

// static_assert(std::is_same_v<SetFrom<Vector<2,1,3,1,2,3>>::type, Set<1,2,3>::type>);

 * 16. Define Get for Vector.
 * Provide an improved error message when accessing outside of Vector bounds.

// Your code goes here:
// ^ Your code goes here

// static_assert(Get<0, Vector<0,1,2>>::value == 0);
// static_assert(Get<1, Vector<0,1,2>>::value == 1);
// static_assert(Get<2, Vector<0,1,2>>::value == 2);
// static_assert(Get<9, Vector<0,1,2>>::value == 2); // How good is your error message?

 * 17. Define BisectLeft for Vector.
 * Given n and arr, return the first index i such that arr[i] >= n.
 * If it doesn't exist, return the length of the array.
 * Don't worry about complexity but aim for the binary search pattern.
 * Hint: You might find it convenient to define a constexpr helper function.

// Your code goes here:
// ^ Your code goes here

// static_assert(BisectLeft<  3, Vector<0,1,2,3,4>>::value == 3);
// static_assert(BisectLeft<  3, Vector<0,1,2,4,5>>::value == 3);
// static_assert(BisectLeft<  9, Vector<0,1,2,4,5>>::value == 5);
// static_assert(BisectLeft< -1, Vector<0,1,2,4,5>>::value == 0);
// static_assert(BisectLeft<  2, Vector<0,2,2,2,2,2>>::value == 1);

 * 18. Define Insert for Vector, it should take position, value and vector.
 * Don't worry about bounds.
 * Hint: use the enable_if trick, e.g.
 *   template<typename X, typename Enable = void> struct Foo;
 *   template<typename X> struct<std::enable_if_t<..something      about X..>> Foo {...};
 *   template<typename X> struct<std::enable_if_t<..something else about X..>> Foo {...};

// Your code goes here:
// ^ Your code goes here

// static_assert(std::is_same_v<Insert<0, 3, Vector<4,5,6>>::type, Vector<3,4,5,6>>);
// static_assert(std::is_same_v<Insert<1, 3, Vector<4,5,6>>::type, Vector<4,3,5,6>>);
// static_assert(std::is_same_v<Insert<2, 3, Vector<4,5,6>>::type, Vector<4,5,3,6>>);
// static_assert(std::is_same_v<Insert<3, 3, Vector<4,5,6>>::type, Vector<4,5,6,3>>);


int main()
//     print(Vector<>{});
//     print(Vector<1>{});
//     print(Vector<1,2,3,4,5,6>{});
//     std::cout << typeid(Vector<1,2,3,4,5,6>{}).name() << '\n';

You can have a look at my solution, which is provided with no guarantees.

In order to generate the exercise file from the solved file I used the script below.

cat typelevel_set1.cpp | awk -v incode=1 '{ if ($0 ~ "// \\\^?.?Your"){ incode = !incode; if (!incode) { print $0 } }; if (incode) { print $0 } }' | awk -v inmain=0 '{ if (inmain == 1 && $0 != "{" && $0 != "}") { printf "// %s\n",$0; } else { print $0 }; if ($0 == "int main()") { inmain = 1 }; }' | awk '{ if ($0 ~ "^static_assert") { printf "// %s\n",$0; } else { print $0; } }'